
Welcome to my blog: To read or not to read is not a question!

Why a (yet another) blog about reading? Because I read so much that sometimes I forget the stories! (yes, I know, it's a shame). 

Because sometimes when people ask me "what was it like?" pointing to one of the books in my bookshelves, I say, "uh ... I do not know." (Yeah, well, it happens even to the best no? No?)

Because one day, a writer asked me if I liked his book ... and I did not know what to say (which is not good when you want him to autograph the book in question!)

Because I try different styles of reading - despite my fondness for thrillers and fantasy - and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised.

So this is my way to remember the stories I read and answer the famous question: was it good? And with the assumption that all tastes are in nature, I note my humble opinion about my readings and you are invited to give yours.

What do I read?

Mainly thrillers and fantasy - which I recently discovered (I admit ... it was reading Harry Potter I learned to love imaginary worlds). But sometimes I let myself be tempted by the "noble" literature, ie literary novels, classics ... and even if - at times - I honestly feel that noble literature is as exciting as the color of its cover ... vanilla ... there are still some very good books!

In what format?

I read so much that my wallet has taken a liking for the paperback! There was a time (before I began to read thrillers actually) where I only swore by the hardcovers and the latest releases! But that was before - when I didn't read as much as nowadays... 

How many books at once?

One. When I'm in a world I dive in completely. Read - for me - is like watching a movie and I never watch 2 or 3 movies at the same time!

A favorite author?

A lot! Which is annoying if the author is prolific! In French thrillers, my heart goes out to Maxime Chattam, in foreigners, there are many including Dennis Lehane or Läckberg Camilla but I just discovered Chris F. Holmes and I love his style (attention, it's a mix of thriller and Urban Fantasy). In fantasy, George R. R. Martin is excellent. I always have a hard time to leave his world. There is also Guy Gavriel Kay.

Paper or tablet?

Paper! I like to hold the book in my hands, it's so beautiful a well-stocked bookshelf ... and it's not easy to classify tablets! 

Can I drop a book?

Yes! But it happened only twice. First time with a book on the Cold War so boring I can't even remember its title ... and the other is Houellebecq's The Elementary Particles (yark!)
Happy reading!

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