Monday, 4 November 2013

R.I.P. VIII wrap up

October is just finished and with it, the R.I.P. VIII challenge.

Carl, who created the challenge tells us that : 

"R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VIII had nearly 200 participants this year and we read and reviewed nearly 500 books, short stories and films/tv shows. I’m sure there were many more things read and viewed that were not reviewed."

My participation, albeit modest, was to read four books and I succeeded the challenge, even though I had to change one book at a time due to a writing too small to read on my Kobo mini ...

Here's what I read:
Alex by Pierre Lemaitre, a truly master in writing and suspense!

L'enfant des cimetières by Sire Cedric, truly disturbing but quite good.

Don't look back! by Karin Fossum, some very smarts dialogues, a parochial attitude faithfully transpose.

The Clearing by Dan Newman, an enchanting island, an endearing character, sprinkled with voodoo.

Without being chauvinistic, I admit that my preference was to Pierre Lemaitre whom I discovered with great pleasure. I particularly appreciated the quality of the writing, a literary style very well mixed with slang. Not to mention the story that'll chill your blood, the turnovers of contexts and feelings (you'll truly be manipulated by Pierre Lemaitre even in your feelings!) In short, a great book!

I did not take part in the TV series challenge, but I also discovered during this period Whitechapel. Excellent, well-acted, an English humor as we like it, the investigations incorporate very famous cases in England (which allows to know more of the detective story in the UK). In short, a gem that I am glad to know.

One thing is for sure, this was my first challenge (with the exception of the Goodreads challenge to read 30 books this year... okay, my first specific challenge) and I loved it. I will do it again next year, for sure!


  1. That's great you enjoyed your first "official challenge"! Carl does three a year and they're all fun if you want to join in...RIP is not genres I normally read, but I still jump in and have a good time anyway!

  2. Thanks Cheryl! I didn't know Carl does 3 a year, I'll sure check what the others are! RIP is totally genres I read, so it was easy for me, I must say :-)
